Archive for July, 2009


Sahabatku tertidur pulas

Tidurnya lelap tak terusik badai ataupun hujan

Tak ayal jiwa kembali ke haribuan Sang Pencipta

Bertemu jiwa-jiwa abadi yang sudah saatnya menetap

Bercakap mereka sejenak menuang asa dan cita

Tanggalkan keluh dan kesah walau sesaat

Sampai bertemu lagi duhai sahabat

Di masa saat kau buka katup matamu

Dan siap jalani cerita tentang hidup

The Snobs

How astonishing

How eerie

To see a mortal soul haughtily speaks differences before the others

 As though the first was more superior than the latter

 As though some souls were permitted to act as they please and still be on top

While others may never be as equal

For they can only give and must never hope anything in return

                                                                                                           brave girl

Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse


I lost the sun today

Do tell me if you see her ray


The day is now tantamount to the night

Though I know for a fact that similar they are not


I turn to the mirror hang in front

Hoping it is her I could confront 


But even there I could not find her reflection

And my hope finally turns into desperation 


I then go to the moon to seek my answers

But he provides me with nothing but puzzles

Puzzles that only he could put together

While I am left feeling despair and vulnerable




The universe takes pity on me

And says that it is only an eclipse that I see


That soon the sun will shine again

And that the darkness shall not prevail


I lost the sun today

Do tell me if you see her ray


For only then I could finally feel

The bliss I know I desperately need